52 Powerful Affirmations to Attract Money & Success

The importance of affirmations

 Affirmations help you attract whatever you are aiming for. Saying out loud or repeating in your head positive affirmations it’s a way to manifest and set your mind to work and act toward those goals and dreams. 

 It can also be a way of motivation since you are elevating that desire to make those dreams come true. Affirmations help us manifest everything we want. Don’t overestimate the power of manifestation. When you desire something so much and manifest through affirmations that you will get it, the universe, god, or the force you believe in will provide. 

  However, affirmations are an additional tool (i. e., you still have to get the work done). Positive affirmations will align with your work and actions to give you the bests results, even better than the ones you wished for. 

  How do affirmations work?

 For affirmations to work, you have to believe in the power of attraction and embrace everything you wish for as if it is already yours. Saying affirmations every day will protect you from all the negativity that comes from within yourself or from other people, and it will guide you to the best attitude and mentality to work and achieve your goals. 

  If you are still a little skeptical about affirmations or want to know more about the power of affirmations, you can read this wonderful article from Healthline that explains it pretty clearly and more in deep. 

Ultra Powerful Affirmations for Money

My income is higher than six figures a month.


Money comes to me very easily.


My business and investments are profitable.


I attract money easily.


I’m abundance and wealth.


I make lots of money fast.


My plans always work out.


The numbers in my bank account are constantly increasing.


I manifest wealth.


I attract richness.


I have multiple sources of income.


Money flows abundantly in my life. 

I always get what I want.


My deals settlements are always favorable to me.


I deserve to be rich.


I’m capable of building and creating a wealthy lifestyle.


I deserve I wealthy lifestyle.


The money I spend is nothing compared to what I have.


I deserve to have tons of Money.


I have a rich mind.


I make smart decisions that make me even more money.


The risks I’m taking will make me a lot of money.


It’s going to work out.


My mind’s my most precious source of income.


I am wealthy enough to help others.


I will soon be saying, “I made it.”


I have no doubts that what I’m doing it’s going to generate lots of money.


I was born to be successful and wealthy.


I attract money every second.


I make money every minute.


I’m not giving up because I’m close to making it.


A huge amount of money is coming into my life soon.


I manage my money splendidly.


I’m a wealth magnet.


Positive things come to my life easier every day.


I’m never Broke.


Even though I receive lots of money, I’m still kind and humble.


I attract everything I think of.


Everything I put my mind into makes me money.


I have no fear of investing my money because It’ll work out.


Each dollar I earn multiplies the next.


My income increases every day.


My mind is a money-making machine.


I’m making money in my sleep.


I was born to be rich.


I attract success every day.


I always achieve what I want.


I attract richness in every aspect of my life.


Money and wisdom increase in my life every month.


This year my annual income will have seven figures.


I get luckier, more blessed, and more grateful every day.


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