20 Productivity Tips for Women in their 20s

In your 20s, you have to work hard and smart to be able to build and live the life of your dreams in your 30s.

Every woman in her early or late 20s is a promising young woman with many goals who constantly overthink the future. For that reason, to achieve those goals, staying consistent, productive, and efficient with your time is important.

My grandma always told me: “Losing time is worst than losing money.” Time is valuable. You can’t succeed and achieve your goals without hours and hours of productive work.

However, being productive and finding the motivation to get things done it’s really difficult nowadays. Not every woman in her 20s has the willpower and discipline to focus mainly on work.

Some women need a little push, something that activates their dopamine and gets them to fully concentrate and work on that goal.

1- Get out of your house

Let’s be frank; you’re not going to get anything done at home. You’re going to get distracted constantly and procrastinate until you realize it’s too late to work on anything.

To kind of obligate yourself to get things done, organize your work the night before and go to a coffee shop or a library and start getting the work done.

2- Stop Daydreaming excessively

If you’re a person who tends to daydream for an unhealthy amount of hours, you need to work on that.

Reduce your daydreaming and start working to be that woman you daydream so much about. Use that daydream to motivate you instead of as a way of escapism.

I’m not telling you to stop daydreaming completely; sometimes, we need to disconnect from this reality; just don’t let it control you.

3- Don’t think

Don’t let your mind think of what you have to do. Get to the action immediately. Be faster than your own laziness. Don’t even take a microsecond to think about what you have to do.

Grab that laptop or book and do it without giving it any thought.

4- Watch Ted Talks in the morning

Surround yourself with successful people by watching ted talks first thing in the morning.

When you are in bed battling with your own self to get up, watching a ted talk will give you that boost of motivation to get up and start getting everything done.

If you can check your social media every morning, you can also add a short ted talk video to the routine.

5- Make a To-do List

To-do lists can be annoying, but they are really essential to get work done accordingly.
It’s the best way to organize and prioritize the things that have to be done today.

Besides, Crossing things off the list after you’ve completed it can be so satisfying. Once your start doing it, you never stop.

6- Read motivational quotes throughout the day.

Fill your phone and your Pinterest account with motivational quotes to feel inspired. It can really help when you read something you feel identified with.

*People who felt just like you wrote a motivational quote to inspire others and help them overcome it.

7- Don’t eat Junk food

Even though fast food is the fastest option (hence the name), it can drain your energy since they are mostly empty calories.

It’s true that cooking can take a lot of time, but you can either cook your meals ahead or find healthier food options.

8- Have faith

Faith means believing in the things you can’t see. So don’t lose hope. You’re going to get where you want, and you will achieve what you work for.

There’s a saying you’ve probably heard before “The harder you work, the luckier you get.” Take some time to reflect on this phrase. It may seem simple to understand at first, but the more you read it, the more complex it gets.

9- Organize, Organize, Organize

Organizing it’s not for everyone. But it’s important to get a larger amount of things done in a short period of time.

Organizing everything ahead can really make your work easier and help you manage your time better. It will also help you to feel less frustrated when something doesn’t work out the way you want.

10- Follow motivational and informative Instagram accounts

If you spend more than one hour of the day on Instagram, you should start following accounts that teach you and motivate you to build the life you dream of.

Also, informative accounts with the latest news or the most random facts can improve your writing and how you express yourself.

11- Take long walks (to recharge after working for several hours)

If you’ve worked for a couple of hours and you felt burnt out or about to switch off, take a walk to recharge your batteries and keep going later.

Don’t take a break and use your phone or cook because you’ll lose track of time and won’t get back to work.

Take a walk with your family. It’s the way to disconnect and when creative ideas can show up.

12- Don’t rely on caffeine

Even though coffee or energy drinks can give you an instant energy boost, drinking those types of drinks in excess can cause a variety of side effects that will only aggravate your productivity.

From insomnia to anxiety, you can easily spoil your routine and ruin all the work and things you’ve achieved. All because of the abuse of coffee or energy drinks.

13- Take a day off if needed. Don’t feel guilty

When you just don’t feel like it, it’s okay to don’t do anything.

Don’t over-push yourself. Sometimes we need to step back from a day in order to avoid a breakdown.

*However, if you are a person who struggles a lot to get back on track and get to a productive routine again, you shouldn’t take many days off.

14- Get away from the people that don’t help you be productive

“You can study later,” “you’ll get to work on it later,” “you’re so boring,” “it’s Saturday.”

Sometimes, friends can be a huge distraction that keeps us from getting things done. But it’s not entirely their fault; you also need the willpower to say no and prioritize what you must do instead of what you can do.

However, that doesn’t mean you have to stop socializing with friends and family. It’s about finding balance, which leads us to another tip:

15- Don’t isolate yourself

Insolating yourself and focusing fully on work can be really damaging to your mental health. It’s only recommended when you have a very close deadline to meet.

Spending quality time with family and friends, it’s fulfilling and necessary. We are social animals, and we need to socialize with others. Otherwise, we’ll go insane.

16- Reward yourself from time to time

If you struggle to get things done in your 20s, you can put a reward for your work. (E.g., If I finished this on time, I would buy that expensive, beautiful dress.)

Set a reward for yourself to keep you motivated and to look forward to achieving.

You can also get a treat for yourself if you’re on a roll (from beautiful me to magnificent me).

17- Find the main cause of your procrastination or what stops you from being productive

To stop procrastinating and start getting things done, you have to find the cause of your procrastination. It could be anxiety, fear of failure, and many other factors.

You have to find what it is that stops you from being productive (find the problem to be able to work on the solution). You might need to look for help, perhaps a psychologist or someone who can help you overcome what keeps you from being productive.

18- Protect your vibes

Your environment’s really important to get things done the best way possible. Make sure to clean the space you are working in and avoid any negative thoughts, whether they come from your own mind or others.

Shut down all the emotions and focus fully on what you have to do. Also, Get away from those people who only give you pessimistic feedback full of envy.

19- Do it without the equipment (Don’t make excuses)

You don’t need the latest technology to be productive and get things done (Even if you do, you probably won’t be productive either).

Stop making excuses. You can work with what you have, and when you find yourself fully committed to what you’re doing, you can think about acquiring more suitable equipment.

Having the cutest and most modern equipment won’t make you more productive; that is a marketing strategy they have put in our heads to keep us buying things even if we don’t really need them.

It would be best if you worked on your mindset and consistency before getting new equipment.

20- Don’t punish yourself; live one day at a time

Just because it didn’t work out today doesn’t mean it can’t work out tomorrow.

If you have a bad day, that doesn’t mean all of what you’ve worked for it’s over. Everyone has rough patches; just don’t let them get too much on your head.

Live one day at a time, and focus on what you’ve accomplished today without excessively worrying about what you have to do tomorrow.

Being productive and consistent with something is not a straight line path; it’s more like a rollercoaster, but the point is to keep going and not break that line, no matter how curved and disorganized it may seem.







I hope these productive tips can help you start that work you’ve put off for quite a while. The 20s are for making mistakes and learning about yourself.

Don’t be too harsh on your 20s. You’ll have the 30s for that, don’t worry.

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