40 Characteristics of an Alpha Female

Everyone has their own definition of what an alpha female is. However, in the online dictionary (Dictionary.com), it’s defined as a powerful and successful woman, often in a leadership role.

  But what exactly are the qualities of an alpha woman? What does she do to be identified as a powerful, successful woman? 

To answer that question. Here’s a list of the most common characteristics that alpha women have. 

1-  She is very independent. She likes to do everything with the minimum help. For her achieving something all by herself, without men’s help, is important and encouraging.

2- She shows confidence. Even if she is insecure, she acts with confidence because that attracts people’s respect.

3-  She can sometimes be intimidating, but not in a bad way. It’s like a person you know you better not fool around or have problems with.

4- She is a calculated woman. All her actions result from her plan to achieve one particular goal. 

5- She is humble. She doesn’t look down on anyone. However, she will look you right in the eyes to show you she is no less than you. 

6- She always has a plan. Even if things don’t turn out as planned, alpha women always have a backup plan. 

7- She speaks with confidence even if unsure what she’s saying is correct. 

8- She doesn’t show emotions to people she isn’t really close with. Only real friends and family had seen her vulnerable.

9- She doesn’t trust anyone with her deepest secrets. She will take them to the grave. But most people do that as well, right?

10- She works hard but silently. 

11-  She is very open-minded 

12- She stands for what she believes. She listens to other people’s opinions and ways of seeing life, but she always does what she believes is right for her.

13- She is always trying to improve every aspect of her life. 

14- If she wants something, she will find multiple ways to get it.

15-  She doesn’t give up easily. If she fails, she will keep learning and try again.

16- She likes to know fun facts about the world.

17- She likes to surround herself with people who have ambition. 

18- She is very grateful for what she has but still looks for ways to upgrade. 

19- She takes risks. She doesn’t rely one hundred percent on the probabilities of success. She tries new ways even if the chances of success are not good. 

20- She is fearless. 

21- She is an outstanding leader. She is a good communicator and strategic. Therefore, she will get her team and herself to succeed. 

22- She’s creative and tends to think out of the box most of the time.

23- She’s very self-aware. She knows her faults and how to fix them.

24- She is not afraid of the unknown. She embraces change with grace.

25- She couldn’t care less about what other people think of her. 

26-  She has high standards when it comes to relationships.

27- She is a great listener and a very trustworthy person.

28- She focuses on herself and her purposes. She avoids gossip and doesn’t pay too much attention to what other people are constantly doing.

29- She is very good at researching. She knows how to get answers to very complicated questions.

30- She is pure class and elegant.

31- She draws attention everywhere she goes.

32- She is well-spoken. She could destroy you verbally with grace. 

33-  She is always well-dressed for every imaginable occasion. 

34-  She is very positive and always looks at the bright sights of things. 

35- She DOES NOT HATE MEN. She loves her partner and is very sweet and warm around him. The fact that she does her own thing doesn’t mean she despises the opposite sex. 

36- She is very kind and has a heart of gold. She will support and help you every time you need her. She is definitely the kind of person who always is there for you.

37- She is COMPLETELY LOYAL. Her loyalty toward the people she cares about is unbreakable. 

38- She is sexy and funny at the same time; you’ll never get bored around her. 

39- She always wants to meet new people, although she needs and values her alone time almost daily. 

40-  She doesn’t procrastinate. She doesn’t make excuses and gets things done. 






  Every woman has an alpha female inside her, we are powerful, and we work for what we want. 

 You are definitely an alpha woman if you feel identified with 15+ of these characteristics. 

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