11 Ways to Nail The Old Money Aesthetic In Summer

This article is all about 11 Ways to Nail The Old Money Aesthetic in Summer.

The Old money aesthetic is all over the world right now, and we’re not complaining about it. It’s a trend, a style, and for some, a lifestyle. 

Although Dressing old money can be easy, many people don’t get it completely right since they forget extremely important details, which is why this style has become so popular. But don’t worry, here we are to show the main ways to truly nail this aesthetic in summer.  

Old Money vs. New Money Style

The Old Money aesthetic style is more conservative with a more neutral color palette. Its simplicity yet refines makes it look elegant and classic. On the other hand, the new money style it’s a bit more excessive. It is more colorful and charged with patterns and logos. 


1 – Elegant Jewelry 

To nail the old money aesthetic, you need to wear elegant jewelry pieces and accessories such as watches, gold earrings, sun hats, silk scarves, headbands, and sunglasses. 

Click here to learn everything about Old money aesthetic jewelry.   

The jewelry is an extremely important part of your look. It elevates the elegance and sophistication of your outfit and makes everything more stylish. 

However, you don’t need to wear a lot of jewelry to look old money. You just need to wear a few elegant pieces that perfectly complement every outfit you wear 

2- Hairstyle is the key 

Your hair is an extremely important part of your looks and overall appearance. You need to pay extra attention to your hairstyle to nail the Old money aesthetic. 

Getting rid of the freeze, having a uniform hair color, and applying a hair mask once in a while are some of the best tips to make your hair look elegant and beautiful. 

 Many Old money aesthetic hairstyles are trending right now, such as a pulled back, the 90s bouncy blowout, or a simple straight hair accessorized -look for word- with a hard headband. 

3- Neutral and floral outfits 

Neutral outfits are perfect for dressing old money on a budget. 

However, elegant floral prints can also make the perfect Old Money look. But you have to make sure not to cross the fine line between Classy and tacky. If you’re unsure about a floral piece, wear a neutral outfit. 

When dressing old money aesthetic, it’s better to keep it simple but classy. Choose three bottoms that look incredible on you, and play with beautiful neutral tops with elegant neck styles. 

Click here for the ultimate Old money Summer Capsule Wardrobe 

4- Natural Makeup Look with beautifully shaped eyebrows 

A natural makeup look is a must if you want to nail the Old Money aesthetic this summer. 

To look expensive, you should focus mainly on your eyebrows. 

Your eyebrows are the main and most important feature of your face. Brush, fill, and shape them to look beautiful and natural. 

For a natural makeup look, you should only use mascara, blush, concealer, lip balm or lipstick, and of course, your eyebrow makeup products. 

5- Elegant Shoes 

The shoes will define the elegance and formality of your look. Dressing Old money aesthetic means dressing to look expensive, and for that, you need elegant shoes. 

However, that doesn’t mean wearing heels every day. It means choosing the most elegant flats, sneakers, and sandals to make your whole outfit look as elegant and expensive as possible. 

Many Old money aesthetic shoes, such as classic ballerina flats, Mary janes, slingbacks, and more, will make you look gorgeous in summer. 

If you want to find more Old money aesthetic shoes, click here.  

6- High-waisted bottoms 

If you want to nail the old money aesthetic in summer, you need to fall in love with high-waisted bottoms. As we said before, you don’t need many bottoms to dress old money, but the ones you wear should look as elegant as possible. 

 High-waisted pants or shorts are the most Old money aesthetic piece you can wear in summer. If you style them with a minimalist top and dressy flats, you’ll get an Old money look without even trying. 

Click here to check the best Old money summer outfit ideas with shorts. 

Also, a midi skirt is another Old money aesthetic piece you can easily style in summer. Definitely, a must-have piece if you’re traveling to Europe. 

7- Neutral nails 

Believe it or not, your nails say a lot about you. Old money women, and rich women in general, always have their nails done. 

They have beautifully shaped neutral nails that look not only extremely elegant and professional but very practical as well. Not to mention that they also go perfectly with anything you wear. 

The truth is the simpler the nails, the better. Minimalist nails are everything you need right now. 

Click here to find the ultimate Old money aesthetic nail designs. 

8- Sunkissed Tan 

A tan is ideal for looking gorgeous and expensive in an all-white Old money aesthetic outfit. 

The truth is every outfit looks even more gorgeous when we’re tanned, especially in summer. 

 However, even though there’s a belief that a tan can make you look more attractive, you need to be careful. Too much tanning lotion can make you look cheap rather than elegant. You need to know when is enough. 

9- Expensive-looking handbags

Handbags are an essential part of an outfit. A bag can define how expensive you look. 

If you want to nail the old money aesthetic, you need to choose expensive-looking handbags that complement perfectly the rest of the look.

Important note: When we say an expensive-looking bag, we don’t mean a handbag with a big logo but a minimalist elegant-looking bag that every woman can help but ask you where you get it. 

10- Perfume

Choosing the right perfume is the ultimate key if you want to look old money. 

Smelling expensive is everything you have to do to look classy and expensive. Every old money, rich woman smells divine. You can smell her magnificent scent when she enters the room. It’s often a strong but sweet scent. 

If you want to look old money rich, you need to find your signature fragrance and wear it daily. 

A scent that doesn’t fade or disappear 15 minutes after applying but that perdures through the day, slowly vanishing.  

Being told how good you smell is one of the best compliments we should always aim for.   

11- Behave with class and confidence 

The last but not least way to nail the old money aesthetic is to act like a classy woman. 

Behaving with class and confidence is a must in life whether you want to look old money rich, or not. 

Being classy is a must to look expensive. Learning proper manners and etiquette can certainly open many doors you couldn’t have imagined. 

Click here for the ultimate guide to becoming a classy woman. 

Also, acting confident even if you’re not is one of the best things you can do in life. It’ll give you more power and authority. If you act insecure, people will take advantage of that. Always keep your head up, and never let anyone bring you down that easily. 

This Article was all about 11 Ways to Nail the Old Money Aesthetic in Summer

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